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How to install Arch on an old laptop using one command

 ·  ☕ 1 min read  ·  🐧 sysadmin
Exercises to complete:
  1. Download Arch iso
  2. Use dd to copy content of the iso to a USB stick
  3. Plug the USB drive into USB port in old laptop
  4. Change boot order in BIOS
  5. Run Arch from USB stick
  6. Execute command to install Arch
  7. Credits
1. Download Arch iso

Download iso from here Arch Linux - Downloads

2. Use dd to copy content of the iso to a USB stick
sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/username/Downloads/archlinux-2024.04.01.iso of=/dev/disk/by-id/name-of-the-usb-stick conv=fsync oflag=direct status=progress
3. Plug the USB drive into USB port in old laptop
4. Change boot order in BIOS

See the video

5. Run Arch from USB stick

See the video

6. Execute command to install Arch
bash <(curl -L

Provide name, password (twice) and hostname.

Proceed the way I present on the video.

7. Credits

Chris Titus article: Installing Arch in 2 Minutes

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