I would like to give special thanks to the following two companies that helped me with 3D printing and laser cutting.
3D components printing:
Laser cutting in acrylic:
Summary of prices
1. Pipes
Name | Price | URL |
Transparent pipes 10 mm | 82,46 PLN | https://amzn.eu/d/9NODjaX |
Innovatek transparent pipe, 1m, 8mm (500898) | 28,57 PLN | https://www.morele.net/innovatek-waz-przezroczysty-1m-8mm-500898-546513 |
In total: 111,03 PLN
2. Tank
Name | Price | URL |
Water tank | 49,01 PLN | https://amzn.eu/d/3xT5bob |
Two pipe fittings for the water tank | 54,02 PLN | https://amzn.eu/d/frnVr65 |
Locking screw for water tank | 43,90 PLN | https://amzn.eu/d/iqybIwM |
Pump 1 pcs | 7,56 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/pompa-zanurzeniowa-5v-czarna-pionowa-12988751444 |
Coolant | 108,05 PLN | https://amzn.eu/d/bwRswui |
Acrylic brackets | 19,34 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/50-mm-2-cale-uchwyt-na-stojak-klamra-do-12363704998 |
In total: 281,88 PLN
3. Fans
Name | Price | URL |
Noctua fan without PWM | 72,00 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/wentylator-wiatrak-noctua-nf-a6x25-60x25-mm-13093668096 |
Noctua fan with PWM | 76,00 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/wentylator-wiatrak-noctua-nf-a6x25-60x25-mm-13093668096 |
In total: 148 PLN
4. Cooling solution:
Name | Price | URL |
Heat sink | 48,24 PLN | https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/32976072893.html?spm=a2g0o.9042311.0.0.27424c4d5G6zXq&gatewayAdapt=glo2pol |
Water cooling block kit | 165,62 PLN | https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/967199864/green-water-cooling-block-kit-for |
In total: 213,86 PLN
5. Acrylic tiles
Name | Price | URL |
Clear acrylic tile | 67,72 PLN | https://amzn.eu/d/4x6yayg |
3 acrylic tiles white, gloss, format A4 | 66,52 PLN | https://studiograf.info.pl/pleksa/36-pleksa-3mm-biala-white-blyszczaca-cieta-na-wymiar-5903858430119.html |
In total: 134,24 PLN
6. Project 3D & laser cut parts
Name | Price | URL |
CM4 case project | 27,60 PLN | https://www.etsy.com/pl/listing/1209925530/raspberry-pi-cm4-io-board-case-3d-print |
In total: 27,60 PLN
7. Tools and needed parts
Name | Price | URL |
EDGELEC 120pcs Breadboard Jumper Wires | 27,83 PLN | https://a.co/d/hXCWs1C |
620 Pcs 2.54mm Pitch & Pin Connector Kit | 43,70 PLN | https://a.co/d/bjGblJD |
Connector Crimpers | 58,99 PLN | https://amzn.eu/d/cSi1aQa |
Momentary pushbutton | 31,91 PLN | https://a.co/d/a9hcP5n |
180 Pieces M2.5 Hex Brass Spacer Standoffs | 105,16 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/180-sztuk-m2-5-mosiezny-dystans-sl-gt-dystans-p-12649955642 |
Methylene chloride | 6 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/chlorek-metylenu-dichlorometan-czysty-100ml-8758380480 |
Glass syringe with needles | 36,18 PLN | https://a.co/d/9enmZi9 |
In total: 309,77 PLN
8. CM4 board hardware
Name | Price | URL |
CM4 IO board | 203,00 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/raspberry-pi-cm4io-plytka-rozszerzen-dla-rpi-cm4-10818286836 |
Compute Module 4 | 798,00 PLN | https://allegro.pl/moje-allegro/zakupy/kupione/41408c8c-0ee9-37d4-8b16-9dd461e56e3a/oferta/583e3120-1e28-11ee-811e-0ddda74e84da |
Adapter M.2 NVMe Key M do PCI-e x1 SSD | 18,99 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/adapter-m-2-nvme-key-m-do-pci-e-x1-ssd-8900869992 |
MW Power ER36W12V 12V/3A Switching Power Supply | 42 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/zasilacz-impulsowy-mw-power-er36w12v-12v-3a-11616990085 |
OLED display | 18,49 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/oled-bialy-wyswietlacz-0-96-i2c-3-5v-ssd1306-10726196790 |
Black ball screw M3x8 allen socket 10pcs. | 2,70 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/sruba-kulista-czarna-m3x8-gniazdo-imbus-10szt-5315915867 |
NVMe Crucial P3 PLUS 1TB M.2 PCIe | 189,90 PLN | https://allegro.pl/oferta/dysk-ssd-crucial-p3-plus-m-2-pcie-gen4-nvme-1tb-14040203933 |
In total: 1273,08
Total price: 2499,46 PLN
~620,92 USD
~922,55 AUD
~565,15 EUR
Alternatively, to buy:
Noctua fan PWM:
Another heat sink/radiator:
Thermal paste: